The UPND government in its transition to power had on its shoulders heavy expectations of changing the living standards of citizens. They promoted a slogan of fixing the economy, coming at a perfect time when people faced a stringent economic atmosphere. Through an assurance of economic transformation, the government offered a broad policy direction touching on economic transformation and job creation, human and social development, environmental sustainability and good governance environment.
To delve into the UPND Manifesto, a number of economic programs were listed, and the approach of tackling them thereof. The listed programs include; agriculture and agro-processing, energy, tourism, science and technology, financial services, mining, transport and logistics, manufacturing, arts and culture, and sports and recreation.
Agriculture and agro-processing
The agricultural sector has been one promising sector for job creation, entrepreneurship and boosting economic performance. Zambia has a varying landscape that could support production of different crops and raring of livestock. The emphasis of agriculture is timely, as this area has proved its potential to change the economic trajectory. This sector has however faced setbacks from different climatic conditions, farming inputs for small scale farmers, processing of produce and a platform to fully embrace local produce within the country and internationally. Zambia has the capacity to turn this sector into the country’s reliable income generator.
Some of the points highlighted in the manifesto include agricultural productivity, market access, agri-business development and agricultural extension services. Some of the key measures to be undertaken include access to affordable inputs, reduce dependence on harmful chemicals, promote farmer clubs and cooperatives, strengthen agro-value chains, increased access to agricultural finance, encourage value chain addition and processing, improve access to domestic and foreign direct investments, enhance diversification, promote small and medium scale agro businesses, strengthen climate resilience, promote establishment of permanent agro-dealer networks, promote mechanization, strengthen farmer training and research institutes, and update extension policy and strategy.
This is a vital sector in driving economic activities essential for aiding production. Zambia has had its share of setbacks in this area and has also shown a great potential for elevating and adopting other sustainable sources of energy. There is need for deliberate measures to substantiate inefficiencies in hydropower supply, especially by intensifying the use of solar innovations. The country has the potential to be a hub efficient power generation in the region if investments are made. Aside from the business opportunities in this area, the local market needs efficient and reliable service delivery at affordable rates.
The manifesto clearly talks about how the government would deliver affordable and clean energy through implementation of Renewable Energy Investment Plan, ensure cost-reflective and steady tariffs, diversify the geography of large-scale electricity generation sources, scale-up investments in off-grid solutions, minimize transmission and distribution losses, scale up rural electrification, restructure ZESCO and fuel supply model, and create an enabling policy environment to attract private investment in the sector.
Science and technology
This is not a new term in the country, as the importance of science and technology has been mentioned time and again. One challenge in this area has been strategic implementation to actually see results, and not just throwing word in the system. The government has shown its commitment to this area by introducing the ministry of science and technology. However, there is need to boost the market for local innovations not just for individual business opportunities, but also for national efficiency and development.
In the manifesto, the UPND pointed out; the correct application of science and technology for development, promote research, promoting a digital economy, investing in educational facilities, rewarding and supporting innovative solutions, application in government operations for efficiency, and promotion Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in schools.
The contribution of tourism to the economy cannot be ignored, and Zambia has a number of sites reserved for that. Some of the threats this sector has faced include low water levels for water sites, and the emergence of the Covid19 pandemic. Covid19 almost brought a total halt to this sector, with travel restrictions that were implemented locally and internationally. However, stirring local tourism would be the safest way to keep the sector afloat.
The manifesto brings out aspects of; diversification, ensuring each province has an international airport for improved access, robust tourism marketing, maintain stable economic landscape, open up the northern tourism circuit, protect and make Zambia a haven for wildlife, enhance community engagement in Game Management Areas through Community Resource Boards, strengthen national historical framework, pricing mechanisms to favour local tourism and strengthen partnerships with other countries.
Financial services
In the previous years, Zambia has seen a rise in financial services from traditional banks to mobile money services in almost every part of the country. The need to ensure safe transactions could not have been more important than in this era. With the world going digital, digital financial services have proved to be faster, safer and more convenient. The importance of digital financial services was also largely heighted during the outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic to reduce cash transactions. This also opened up the sector for innovations and entrepreneurship.
The manifesto talks of the aspect of digital data protection laws, reduced barriers for market entry in the financial technology space through an enabling environment supported by strong regulations. It also alludes to; improving corporate governance, strengthening laws relating to illicit financial flows, strong investment banking regulations, strengthen capacity and autonomy of the central bank, and legislation to encourage provision of retail banking, credit ratings, credit finance, consumer finance and other types of finance at affordable rates.
This sector has been a major engine in driving economic growth in the country, with largely copper being exported. Zambia has virgin land, and other valuable minerals are yet to be discovered and possibly become competitive for exports. On other hand, this sector has also proved to be a fragile sector in terms of ownership and value generated by the Zambians. It has also posed threats to the environment, and would need a more sustainable approach not at the expense of society and the environment.
The manifesto shows commitments of; undertaking major policy reforms, enhancing monitoring, oversight mechanisms and technologies, promote diversification by extension of copper value chain and exploration of other minerals, promote small scale mining, policy and plans for local ownership, policies and regulatory framework to address energy uncertainties and property rights, and to put in place a national supplier development policy.
The wave of entrepreneurs in this era has shown the desire and potential of Zambians to manufacture different products even on a small scale. Investments in this sector, and diverse training centers could just be what the country has been looking for to change the narrative. On a large scale, the country has a lot of room for value addition in the different raw materials it produces, and even for those it could want to import.
The manifesto talks of; creating an enabling environment, dialogue with key stakeholders to address challenges, improving regulatory framework, removing administrative barriers, policy incentives to attract capital inflow, ensuring fiscal discipline, and ensuring policy linkages with education to build a skilled labour market that attracts capital.
Transport and logistics
Apart from the usual consumer transport services, we have seen innovations in this sector for value creation. The seemingly dominance of courier or delivery services for food and various products. We have also seen innovations to make road transport easily accessible through different applications. There is still so much value in this sector, and a conducive operating environment could help boost that.
The government in the manifesto commit themselves to; ensuring inclusive rural transportation development, ensure innovations and effective aviation subsector policies and strategies, advanced technology to boarder post management, promote PPPs and FDI in the sector, enhance coherence between transport policy and trade, commercial and industrial policies, and make Zambia a regional hub for road, rail and air logistics.
Arts and culture
This sector is still narrow, with a few areas such a music largely tapping the market share. There is need to create value for diverse arts also as a way of talent promotion. Value through talent has been scarcely realized in most developing countries, yet would be of great contribution to job creation and the economy.
In the manifesto, we see issues of; realizing long-held talent, actualise job, innovation and business opportunities, development of arts and cultural products, industry to pay well for all arts, and quality production to satisfy both the local and international market.
Sports and recreation
Zambia has been largely dominant in one or two sports to represent on an international platform. This is probably because these are introduced to children at an early age, and platforms are largely visible and available for participation. The key is to introduce different sports in schools, private and public alike to source talent. Such skills also have the potential to generate value, but have been placed below most careers.
A peep into the manifesto indicates that the government wants to promote a physically active nation, a continental sports powerhouse and a global leader in the use of sports for sustainable development. To add on, they aim at; building sports structures and programs, recreation as tool for sustainable development, eco-friendly, inclusive and culturally embedded sports, create systematic and high performance sports systems and programs in all provinces, and develop mechanisms to achieve policy objectives in sport policy framework.
These programs do have the ability to change the economic trajectory of the country if there are deliberate efforts for implementation. Failure to that, these programs could be a mere writing to fulfill obligation. It is also important to note that despite an eminent desire to roll-out the plans, achieving optimum results in all various sectors could take more than a year, hence the need to maintain a focus. It would have also been nice to hold uncertainties constant, but the Covid19 pandemic showed economies that focus can entirely shift to uncertainties. The government has shown its commitment to serve the people of Zambia, and we wish them well on their journey.